Men and women instincts when it comes to driving differ in their attitudes towards public safety and risk to society. As safety on the motorway plays a part in explaining why men and women drivers have very different records in relation to their efficiency in driving.

Safety on the Wheel

There are probably as many women as there are men on our roads. Women at the wheel of public transport vehicles are not as many though.

In the research, some sources revealed that women take marginally longer to learn to drive but commit fewer motoring offences and are far less likely to be involved in an accident.

Eunice Odeghe, a Master’s degree holder, is the National President of Female Drivers Association of Nigerian (FEDAN), who has been driving for over a decade has got this to say: Driving is a profession and there’s nowhere it is written that it’s for men alone.
Women are more careful drivers than men. I can tell you that in all my years of driving, I have never hit anyone. It is men that often bash my car.

Further data also suggests that female drivers commit fewer offences while on the road. Can this be attributed to the fact that females are careful drivers on the motorway or can we just conclude that it’s because of the population of men drivers on the road to the female counterpart that is responsible for this data? The more reason why women are the superior sex on the road, as the study also reveals is that it takes longer for female drivers to get their driving license.

This means that women learn all the rules and etiquettes of driving on the motorway than a male who as far as he can change the gear, steer the wheel and probably be able to change lanes aggressively thinks he is now ready to drive

Some might even argue that female drivers drive less distance compared to men who drive long distance and that few kilometres do not make them better drivers than men.

Blessing Onuh of Uber who sometimes drives long distance has this to say:  Asked if she is ever worried about the risks. She takes precautions, working only with people she has known for a while or referred to by trusted acquaintances. For her, it’s about her passengers rather than the long distance she threads.

Well in all these we need to know this that it’s important that we consider the instincts we bring to our driving. Both the male and female drivers need to strive for a safer destination when they drive the motorway.

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